Day 41, 27 6 2011, York to Hull

Today was just about getting to Hull so we could catch our ferry this evening.

We caught a train to York, then rode the 64km to Hull.

Something unusual occasionally happens to our bike computers.  Sometimes they just put on a lot of kilometres.  Today mine was indicating 92km/hr for quite some distance, while Roz computer was working perfectly.  We have never seen this happen at home but it has happened a number of times on this trip.  The computers are wireless, so presumably they are picking up some stray electrical noise in the environment and interpreting it as a signal from the sender unit near the wheel.  We have not been able to track down whatever is causing the problem, and of course there is not necessarily a single cause.

We left York as quickly as possible, we have been there before, to ensure that we could get to Hull on time.

Today was the hottest day we have had in the UK, with the temperature well over 30C.

The road to Hull is mainly flat, with one minor hill, but there was a solid head wind all the way and we had chosen to ride on the busy A road in order to ensure we could get to the ferry terminal before they cancelled our booking.

Headwinds make the bike and me feel lifeless, so with the traffic and the heat we have had more inspiring days, but it was alright.  The one hill gave us some good views of the east Yorkshire landscape, so it was a bonus, even though we had to ride up it.

We went straight to Nero’s in Hull and settled in for a half hour to drink a lot of cold liquids, and a coffee of course.

All we then had to do was post some letters, go to Tesco’s to buy some picnic food for dinner and then we got to the ferry terminal about 15 minutes before they were due to cancel our booking.

The food on the ferry is not bad, but we don’t need the full buffet meal, and are happier with a cold drink and our bread and cheese.

As we lined up to ride onto the ferry, the weather started to change and the dispatcher wished us luck and said we were lucky we were not in Scotland as they were forecasting temperatures of 3C and awful weather.

Lucky indeed.

The map is made up in Google, as the datalogger failed, perhaps due to the same electrical noise that affected the computer.  I hope it hasn’t affected my fertility.

This is posted late due to the vagaries of our ferry and various hotels.

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